Terry Myerson addio Microsoft

Riorganizzazione interna in Microsoft: Terry Myerson, capo della divisione Windows e Device, lascia l’azienda dopo più di vent’anni.

Terry Myerson lascia Microsoft

La scelta di Satya Nadella di licenziare Myerson, assieme al riposizionamento dei ruoli di tanti altri dipendenti di spicco dell’azienda, è arrivata oggi stesso. Questa nuova riorganizzazione interna muoverà Microsoft verso il nuovo mantra di Nadella intelligent cloud and intelligent edge“, in altre parole verso l’AI.

With change comes transition, and one transition we have been planning for is for Terry Myerson to pursue his next chapter outside Microsoft. Terry has been instrumental in helping me arrive at this new organizational structure, and I deeply appreciate his leadership and insight as we’ve worked through the opportunity that lies ahead. Over the past several years, Terry and the WDG team transformed Windows to create a secure, always up-to-date, modern OS. His strong contributions to Microsoft over 21 years from leading Exchange to leading Windows 10 leave a real legacy. I want to thank Terry for his leadership on my team and across Microsoft. He will work with me on the transition over the coming months.

Dopo più di vent’anni di onorato servizio, l’attuale capo della divisione Windows e Device lascerà Microsoft nei prossimi mesi per dedicarsi ad altro. Al suo posto subentreranno Rajesh Jha, Scott Guthrie e, all’atto pratico, Joe Belfiore, che tornerà a ricoprire il suo vecchio ruolo a tutti gli effetti.

Joe Belfiore will continue leading our Windows experiences and will drive Windows innovation in partnership with the PC and device ecosystem. The future of Windows is bright as we continue to innovate across new scenarios and device form factors, and more deeply connect to our Microsoft 365 offerings. Joe will share more about the Windows roadmap at Build.

La lettera di addio di Terry Myerson ai dipendenti Microsoft:


It is an emotional day for me as I look toward starting my next chapter outside of Microsoft in a few months. We’ve been discussing this for some time, but today it becomes real.

Satya’s leadership and insight in defining a Microsoft 365 experience, built on top of an intelligent edge/intelligent cloud platform is inspiring. I believe in it, and that these changes are great for Microsoft. Change can be invigorating for us all and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to work with Satya on helping define this new structure. I will be around as we work through this transition, and then I will continue to root on Satya and this team every day.

Microsoft has been my work, my team, and my purpose for 21 years. Over the years I have worked with so many of you to take on big challenges and serve our customers. I’ve learned so much. We’ve accomplished so much together. And I have had so much fun. Your passion, commitment, and sheer brilliance has kept me inspired. You have taught me new ways of looking at the world. You made me a better leader. And together, we have delivered products that positively changed the way people work and live. I am grateful for each of you.

Most recently, with Windows 10 we set out to restore the trust of our consumer and business users and set Windows up to be a key part of the new Microsoft. With us now approaching 700M active Windows 10 users, commercial usage growing 84% YOY, Xbox One running a Windows 10 core, Surface innovation highlighting the Microsoft 365 experience, HoloLens bringing breakthroughs in computer vision, a universal store enabling GamePass, Azure reserved instances, and Office distribution, and a revitalized partner ecosystem – we’ve made incredible progress, and set the foundation for a new chapter to begin.

But it’s time for me to take a break, and then look forward to my own next chapter. I’m excited to see what’s next professionally. In the meantime, I can’t wait to spend quality time with my family and pursue a few big life goals.

While today I have many emotions, I’m mostly filled with gratitude and optimism – gratitude for the experiences I have had and optimism for the future ahead.

Sincerely, thank you for all the incredible experiences we’ve had together.

Novità anche in Microsoft Italia

Microsoft Italia annuncia l’ingresso in azienda di Barbara Cominelli che, a partire dal 30 marzo 2018, assume il ruolo di nuovo Direttore Marketing & Operations a diretto riporto dell’Amministratore Delegato Silvia Candiani. All’interno del Leadership Team di Microsoft Italia, Barbara Cominelli avrà la responsabilità di contribuire alla crescita della filiale italiana, definendo piani di business e strategie marketing volti a sostenere il percorso di Trasformazione Digitale dell’intero Paese, aiutando persone e organizzazioni a realizzare il proprio potenziale.

Cosa ne pensate di questo “terremoto” interno a Microsoft? Pensate che sia giusto licenziare Terry Myerson? Scriveteci la vostra nei commenti.

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